3 FAQs Regarding Wearing Contact Lenses

27 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog


Living with a vision impairment can be difficult. From decreased clarity while reading, working on the computer, and driving to the inconvenience of wearing corrective lenses, it is easy to see the challenges of vision problems. Fortunately, an estimated 30 million people in the United States are able to see in a more clear, concise, and convenient manner by wearing contact lenses. If you are currently wearing prescription eyeglasses and hope to make the switch to contacts, you most likely have a lot of questions. Here are a few FAQs and answers that will help you make the change easier.

Will Contacts Work With My Prescription?

One of the most common questions patients ask is if they can wear contact lenses to correct their vision problem. Thankfully, contacts are available in most prescriptions, which ensures your needs will be met.

Contacts can correct the vision in patients living with astigmatisms and even presbyopia, which requires a bifocal prescription.

Due to their innovative designs and prescription options, contacts can be ordered in your prescription to effectively correct or enhance your vision.

Are Contacts Safe?

You should not worry about the safety of wearing contacts, but you can reduce the risk of damaging your eye and infections with proper insertion and care.

Here are a few tips to follow when inserting and caring for your lenses:

  • Wash your hands – Before touching your eyes or contacts, wash your hands with warm, soapy water. Dry each hand with a lint-free towel, as well. This will reduce the risk of dirt and bacteria from entering your eye or contact lens, which can protect your eye from infections.
  • Maintain your contacts and case – Clean and store your contacts as directed. Use a contact-lens cleaning solution regularly to clean the lens. Also, make sure to change the solution in your storage case regularly. Most doctors recommend replacing your lens storage case every three months.
  • Avoid water and saliva – Never moisten your contacts with water or your saliva, since neither option is sterile.

If you follow all the recommended guidelines to insert, clean, and care for your contacts, you should not have to deal with problems that can affect your vision and underlying health.

How Can I Reduce the Stress of Inserting Contacts?

If you are like most people, the thought of inserting a lens onto your eye may make you cringe. Many people feel they do not have enough skill to safely insert the contacts. However, anyone can learn to place the contact lens in a safe, effective, and stress-free manner. While it may be a bit daunting the first few times, inserting your contacts will become like second nature.

Your eye doctor will guide you through the insertion of your contacts for the first time. Listen to the professional, following their instructions and allowing them to intervene if necessary. Remain calm, since this is a learning process.

Work on one eye at a time and always start with the same eye when placing your contacts. This will reduce the risk of mixing the contacts up.

Learn the signs that your contacts are not in proper place. If it feels strange once it is on your eye, the lens may not have been placed the right way. Eyes that feel gritty and irritated may have an issue with the contacts as well. Remove the lens and rinse your eye with cold water. This will remove any dirt, dust, or eyelashes that may be on the eye. Then, inspect the contact carefully for dirt or tears in the lens. Clean it with sterile solution if needed.

Wearing contact lenses is a successful way to correct your vision. With the help of a doctor from an office like Discover Vision Centers, you will understand a bit more about this form of vision correction.