Six Types Of Foods To Eat For Good Vision

17 April 2015
 Categories: , Blog


Did you know that what you eat can help or hinder your eyesight? It's true. If you're looking to avoid vision problems and keep your eyes sharp well into your golden years, it's important to consume foods rich in substances like vitamin E, lutein and Omega-3 fatty acids. What are those foods? We have some suggestions.

1. Foods rich in beta-carotene. Carrots are the one food that most people associate with good eye health. The eye health benefits come from the beta-carotene in carrots. However, carrots aren't the only food that's rich in beta-carotene. You can also find it in beet greens, spinach, sweet potatoes and butternut and hubbard squash.

2. Foods with Omega-3 fatty acids. It is suspected that foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce macular degeneration, cataracts and other signs of aging in the eyes. These foods include salmon, mackerel, anchovies and tuna. If you're not a fan of fish, you can also find Omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds, flax seeds and fresh basil.

3. Foods rich in Vitamin E. Vitamin E offers a lot of health benefits, but this vitamin protects the eyes by fighting free radicals that can cause aging in the eyes (and elsewhere in the body). Foods rich in vitamin E include nuts and seeds and peanut butter.

4. Foods with lutein. Lutein, found in foods like kale; spinach; collard and turnip greens; broccoli and green peas, is believed to also help fight macular degeneration and other signs of aging in the eyes. If you don't care for greens, oranges and eggs also contain lutein.

5. Foods with Vitamin C. Yet another vitamin that's good for the eyes is that old favorite vitamin C. This substance isn't just good for fighting colds and boosting your immune system, but can help with your eyesight, too. Look for vitamin C in foods like oranges, grapefruit, lemons, berries and tomatoes.

6. Foods with zinc. Zinc helps your eyes to see better at night. Zinc-rich foods include oysters, shellfish, milk and liver.

If addition, avoiding sweet and starchy foods (and the resulting obesity) can help to prevent type II diabetes, the leading cause of blindness in adults, according to WebMD.

While eating kale, salmon and carrots won't guarantee you perfect eyesight, adding these foods to your regular diet has shown signs of reducing the effects of aging on your eyes and increasing your night vision. Maintain a well-rounded diet and work with an optometrist to keep your eyes as healthy as possible.