Top 4 Makeup Mistakes To Avoid If You Wear Eyeglasses

6 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

These days, many people find themselves needing some form of corrective eyewear in order to enhance their vision. If you're a woman who falls into this category, then there's a good chance you find yourself feeling a little conflicted when it comes to choosing the right makeup to accentuate your eyes and complement your glasses at the same time. Specifically, there are a few common mistakes you'll want to avoid when it comes to wearing makeup with eyeglasses. Read More 

Teeny Weeny Tips For Teens And Tweens Interested In Contact Lenses

9 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Are you a teen or approaching your teens and interested in contact lenses? If so, you may have questions about them. Perhaps you are sure that you want contact lenses, but you are trying to convince your parents that contacts are a good idea for you. The following pointers can help you and your parents ensure that wearing contacts is safe and ideal for you.  Ensure that you include an eye doctor in your contact lenses decision. Read More